Big changes

So first things first I must put out the biggest apology for my serious lack in blogging recently, A LOT of things in my life have changed recently...

I guess the best place to start would be with me deciding to take a big leap and uprooting my entire life and moving it up North, and I mean 4 degrees colder North! 

My new home, I love the industrial buildings up here!

I decided to move to a place which was a little town, close to the countryside but within easy reach of some of the norths best large cities. Personally I can't cope with the buzz and chaos of the city all day everyday so my new digs should be in the perfect position (fingers crossed!) 

Once I was all moved in the exploring started. Here's a round up of a few of the things I've been up to...

Some of the incredible butterflies found at Chester Zoo

The back streets of Manchester looking like a part of NYC

Probably the best roast dinner I have had in a long time found at the beautiful Stretton Fox pub

Art can be found in the most unexpected places

Always time for a bit of home baking, with thanks to The Londoner, love her blog so much!

I found Hogwarts!!!!

Nothing like a quick trip away and home service in bed

So that's just a quick round up of some of the things I've been up to so far in the north. I promise now I'm all settled I will get back into this blog, with the new year, a new home and new opportunities on the horizon, I'm sure I'll have some great things to blog about in 2014... 

Scarlett Macaron

Making a little piece of the internet for all the things I love.

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